Sample Conditioning Assemblies



GRAB SAMPLE STATIONS are ideal for conditioning and collection of industrial type boiler water samples. These units contain a 1.0 sq. ft. sample cooler and all accessories required to properly control cooling water and sample flows.


SINGLE POINT SAMPLE CONDITIONING MODULES provide a versatile conditioner for most samples within the steam and water cycle or industrial boiler. May be used to obtain grab samples or can include instruments for continuous analysis.
PORTABLE SAMPLERS are mobile single-line sample conditioners, which can be used to survey any point within the steam and water cycle of the power plant or boiler room. The Portable Sampler is a valuable extension to the plant¡¯s centralized sample panel that can be easily moved and set up at suspected problem locations or points which are not already measured by the sample panel. It functions as a local grab sample station, or as a pre-conditioner for virtually any analytical device. The Portable Sampler is a great tool for use in verification or troubleshooting.